podcast episode

How to Get UNstuck!

and how TBB got started back in 2015!
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Hosted by:
Rhonda Jenkins
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Today is a throwback! We are taking a stroll down memory lane and I’m sharing exactly how The Blogger Brunch got started! It’s important to remember how you started and that everything you see today took years to build. It’s a great reminder that we often see people’s middle and end and compare it to our beginning!

You’ll have to listen to the episode to get the full throwback memories and all of the cringe-worthy moments, but The Blogger Brunch started in Dallas in 2015! Hard to believe it’s been so long!

We had an event over the weekend recently and I got to connect with some new ladies. Everyone was having a great time, and we got into some questions about brands and pitching…the usual things. But I was surprised at how many times I heard someone say “BUT” and give an excuse why they weren’t working on a project yet, why they haven’t posted a Reels yet, why they weren’t xyz you name it!

Everyone had something that was holding them back! I definitely still struggle with this, but there is a way to work around the hesitation and figure out why you’re stuck and how to start moving forward again.

So what’s the next step for you?

Reels? A podcast? A blog?

Go back and look at our resources on those topics. I’m think about starting a Reels challenge because that seems to be a big one for people!

A lot of times people on the outside can see your potential but you can’t see it in yourself.

Or maybe you are busy and aren’t prioritizing/aren’t able to prioritize that thing right now. That’s ok, but priorities are always moving and shifting- be on the lookout for the next season where you can shift priorities to what you want to focus on.

What small daily steps can you take to start the tiniest forward movement toward that goal? Think about what that one action is that can get you started!

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Podcast Host

Rhonda Jenkins

CEO & Founder
The Blogger Brunch

Founder of The Blogger Brunch, influencer marketing expert, event planner, and lifestyle blogger at The Skinny Arm.