podcast episode

Give YOURSELF Permission

Nobody else can do it!
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Hosted by:
Rhonda Jenkins
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It's time to stop asking OTHER PEOPLE for permission to live your life! Give YOURSELF permission to do something new, to think outside of the box, to show up in a new way for your audience!

Women are so much more likely to struggle with this, so I wanted to use this episode as a reminder to YOU to give yourself permission for whatever that thing is.

I’m talking to you if any of these sound familiar:

- you know what you want to do, but feel unqualified or not good enough.

- you want to start something new but _______ wouldn’t approve.

- your gut is telling you to do something but you’re scared of failure.

I did this when I first started blogging in 2013. I was waiting on *everything* to make me feel legit…my website, some photos, my business cards, you name it! I was using it as an excuse to get started!

If you’re saying “I can’t do that until ______” then you’re waiting on permission. AND YOU NEED TO STOP.

So how do you give yourself permission to do something?

There are 4 simples steps to walk your brain through this process of giving yourself permission - and they actually work!

1. First, we have to figure out what is stopping us! Ask yourself these questions and really think about them:

- what action am I scared to take?

- who or what is holding me back?

- what do I fear will happen if I do this?

2. Own your authority. Realize that you are the ultimate expert on you! Nobody else can live your life for you!

3. This is my favorite. Write yourself a permission slip. Literally, get out a piece of paper (old school - my favorite!) or type it in a note on your phone. I aways encourage people to say things aloud, too, because we believe our own voice more than anyone else’s.

I,________, give myself permission to ___________.

4. Take a minute to notice how you feel after that. What emotions are you feeling? Freedom, excitement, relief?

I’m so excited for you to give yourself permission to take that next step. Nobody else can do it but you! Trying something new is challenging and scary, but it’s so important to honor what we feel and the ideas we have, and take a chance on them!

I hope this episode encouraged you and I can’t wait to see what you’re trying next! We’ll see you next Wednesday!

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Podcast Host

Rhonda Jenkins

CEO & Founder
The Blogger Brunch

Founder of The Blogger Brunch, influencer marketing expert, event planner, and lifestyle blogger at The Skinny Arm.