podcast episode

Want a Brand Refresh in Less Than ONE Hour?

Behind the scenes of my latest coaching call and how to refresh your brand fast!
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Hosted by:
Rhonda Jenkins
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Showing you a little behind the scenes content from a recent coaching call that I did and sharing how to get a mini brand refresh in only ONE hour!

I'm excited to share this episode because it's something we ALL need! One of my recent coaching clients was feeling a little stuck and stale in her content and creativity (we've all been there!). We created an easy game plan for her to follow to dust off her brand and get excited about her content again. She's already implemented the changes and is feeling inspired again. If you're feeling stuck, this is a FAST refresh that will get you thinking and acting creatively again.

I love strategy and brainstorming and helping women create exciting strategies for their brands! Sometimes we all go through a little funk or creative rut, so try out these four strategies for a mini brand refresh that will have you smiling!

1. Bio Refresh

I know, I know, this is the obvious answer BUT there's a trick... you have to start from scratch! Copy and paste your current bio into a note (remove any fear that you'll "lose it" accidentally!). Then in that same note, start fresh and type out a new bio. Play with new phrases, think about what kind of content you want to share daily and what your followers can expect from you. Try out some new emojis, too! Copy and paste your new bio into Instagram and play with formatting. DONE! Set a timer for 10 minutes so you don't get stuck here! 

2. Profile Pic Update

Are you showing your face?! It's time to update that profile photo! If nothing else, it will give followers a reason to click on your page and see if anything else is new, too! 

3. Editing Style Refresh

When's the last time you thought about your editing style? Or have you been using the same preset for over a year? Presets are great, but check-in and see if your editing vibe still matches the content style you're going for. How about your IG Highlight cover photos? Time for an icon update? Highlight refresh? A simple look at your edit can spark ideas to update brand accent colors or your overall social media style. Spark creativity! 

4. Set Aside Time

FOR CREATIVITY! We often get unmotivated or uninspired because our schedules are so full and our brain is trying to stay one step ahead and always think about what's next! Take a creativity TIME OUT! Set a timer and sit still for a few minutes. Try to let your brain think big, run wild with ideas, and then write them down. No bad ideas during brainstorming time! Our best ideas often come when we aren't thinking about anything specific... in the shower, on a walk without a podcast, dedicated quiet time. Make room for creativity in your life! 

I go into more detail in the episode, but you get the idea. I loved being able to work with this client and am excited to make room for more coaching in my own schedule and think about what I love doing the most! I hope this helps you! 

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Podcast Host

Rhonda Jenkins

CEO & Founder
The Blogger Brunch

Founder of The Blogger Brunch, influencer marketing expert, event planner, and lifestyle blogger at The Skinny Arm.