I love helping women make money online and step into new things. I get so excited when someone tells me they want to start a blog or that they have a business idea, so today I'm sharing 7 business ideas to get your business juices flowing as you think about ways to increase your income!
I'm breaking these down in detail on the podcast, so I recommend listening to the full episode, but here is the summary version!
Cash Injections For Your Business:
1. For bloggers: reach out to past brand partners.
I explain this in the episode, but I just did this and it resulted in another very profitable paid campaign *and* an invitation to an all expenses paid influencer trip, and some additional product. Excellent!
2. For service-based businesses: reach out to old customers.
The only reason they haven't rebooked with you is because they haven't thought about it/made time to contact you. Take away that reason and reach out to them!
3. Mark one of your products/offers on sale.
*Not* your signature offering, but maybe something old that you haven't mentioned in a while. You've got new followers who don't know about that offer!
4. Create a mini offer.
You should listen to the episode for these details about how to come up with the right offer. Decide what to sell and start talking about it in stories!
5. Offer a bump or VIP offer to existing clients.
If you already have clients, what’s something you can offer to them to provide additional value?
6. If you have affiliate links.
Start focusing on ONE specific item each week. Only one. Sometimes we give our audience too many choices!
7. Host an event
Of course, events are my favorite! Bring your community together in-person or virtually and charge a ticket price that makes sense. Try something new!
I hope one of those resonated with you or sparked a new idea. Need help growing your business online? Shoot me a DM @thebloggerbrunch.
Doors close on Email Queen on 7/27! It's your ticket to grow your email list from 0 to 1,000 on autopilot! I’m so excited for email Queen. doors closed. starts 8/1, dm me.